Financial Reports
At Akshaya Patra, we make a conscious effort to establish, maintain and improve our transparency and accountability standards. We maintain reviewed financial statements as well as audit and evaluation reports and regularly send them to our stakeholders for timely disclosure. These documents are also published in the annual report and made available on the organisation’s website.
- Auditors' report R & P 07-08
- Financials R&P 2007-08
- Auditors' report R & P 07-08 (1)
- Financials 2007-08
- Significant accounting Policies
- Schedules to Financials 2007-08
- Notes to acounts 07-08
- Financials R&P 2006-07
- Financials 2006-07
- Significant accounting Policies
- Schedules to Financials 2006-07
- Notes to acounts 06-07