Sonalisha Shukla loves Math, Science and English!

Sonalisha Shukla is a cute and lively girl of eleven studying in standard VII at the Rakama UPME School in Nayagarh district of Odisha. Her father is a shopkeeper and mother, a homemaker. She has an elder sister who is in first year of pursuing a Bachelor’s of Arts degree.
“Math, Science and English are my favourite subjects”, says Sonalisha when asked if there are any particular subjects she prefers over other. We know children have dreams and aspirations and she is prompt to let us know about hers. She wants to be a doctor one day serving patients who are unable to pay. What a noble thought! The confidence and friendliness of the child make our job of gathering interesting facts about her much easier.
Akshaya Patra runs a decentralised kitchen at the school and Sonalisha loves the food being served every day. She is particularly fond of rice and dal (lentil) and doesn’t like kheer (A sweet dish). To lighten up the conversation we ask, “What do you do with your free time?” She seems happy with the question and says with a beaming smile, “I watch television when I’m free!” When asked what her favourite show is, she exclaims, “Chotta Bheem!” She also let us know that she likes playing too and badminton is her favourite game.
It feels like time flies when we are talking to her as suddenly it’s lunch time. With a big smile she leaves us hurriedly to wash her hands and have her meal.