Santhosha wants to be an Engineer. But why?

Namaskara, This is Santhosha. I’m from Bengaluru, Karnataka. I am studying in Standard VII at GHP School, Kempapura – Bengaluru. I am fond of sports especially Kabbaddi (a contact team sport). I’ve always been more inclined towards science classes at school.
I want to be an engineer when I grow up. Engineering is the field that resolves the most gripping concerns in the world such as generating clean energy or detecting chronic diseases like cancer. It excites me to think how air bags in car know when to inflate. As an engineer, I want to discover some of the coolest mechanical gadgets that can help people while driving.
My father is a bus driver. The hardships of the occupation might be familiar and appreciated by many people. However, the toll it takes on the human nervous system remains under-appreciated. I just wonder how he manages to keep his pulse under control even with stressors like – transporting thousands of people back-to-back via narrow streets and uneven rocky roads, relentless pressure to maintain a tight schedule, knowing that the slightest accident can risk lives of passengers and disgrace his job.
If only it were that simple!
We are three siblings. All of us are studying in the same school. Undoubtedly, he fulfils our wishes before we ask for it. However, as the only breadwinner for the family sometimes it becomes difficult for him. One day, while playing hide and seek game with my sisters I was hiding behind the curtains. I could hear clearly, my sulking mother was speaking to father about the debt that they had taken years back. My father consoled her saying “have patience and everything will fall in place.” I wish I could grow up sooner, discover something that helps him while driving, and support my parents to repay their debt too!
Thank you Akshaya Patra for feeding us along with many others like us in my school. All of us enjoy the school meals to the fullest.