Perfect with numbers

As we walk into the Upper Primary school in Pati (Patancheru,Hyderabad), an Akshaya Patra mid-day meal van enters the school. A few boys run towards the driver as he unloads the hot containers of food. It’s a Thursday and all are excited about the weekly special: Biryani. A stern voice bellows, “Get back to class.” The boys instantly acknowledge their mistake and with shy smiles they run back to class. Mr. Ramulu, the school headmaster welcomes us to his school as he briefs us about his school.
We are then introduced to R. Soujanya, an 8th standard student at the school. She is a topper in her class. Both her parents are agricultural workers who work and together they earn about Rs.150-200 per day. “We do find it hard at times but we are satisfied,” says Soujanya who puts on a stern look. She has a younger brother, who studies at a school close to their house. Her parents put him another school due to financial constraints.
Soujanya likes mathematics and aspires to become a maths teacher. Commending the efforts of her teachers, Soujanya says, “They are supportive to me and I am able to understand well.” Interestingly, Soujanya’s affinity for mathematics started in her earlier classes, when she realised that she is good at numbers. Her motto is to be perfect with the subject with no room for errors, a trait any person should follow to become good at anything they want to do.
Speaking about the Akshaya Patra mid-day meals she says, “I’m lucky to have the Akshaya Patra meals. It is nutritious and tasty. It helps me concentrate in class” She is particularly fond of the fruits and loves the biryani served every Thursday. Speaking about the child’s performance Mr. Ramulu says, “She has the right focus to do well in her studies. If Soujanya performance continues to improve, she will have a bright future ahead of her.”
Mr. Ramulu is very supportive of his students especially when it comes to their education. When Ramulu took over the school back in 2009, he decided that his focus was not just the routine teaching every day but to preserve a good standard of education at school. “I frequently remind my fellow co-workers to work on making students understand concepts well. Ramulu ensures that students who are weak in studies are given more preference in class. “Any child needs education. I maintain a strict disposition only to make my students fall in line. I always remind them that education plays a vital role in all our lives,” added Mr. Ramulu.
Ramulu is appreciative of the Akshaya Patra’s mid-day meal provision to his school. Complimenting Akshaya Patra’s service towards society, he says, “Akshaya Patra has done a great service here at our school. For many here, the mid-day meal is an important aspect of their daily lives.”
We conclude by wishing both Soujanya and Mr. Ramulu all the very best for the future
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