Megha wants to consider a career in Nutrition

Namaskara! My name is Megha. I am studying in Standard VII at GMHPS, Bellandur, Bengaluru. I love my school very much.
As a survivor of poor childhood nutrition, I have learnt how proper nutrition helps a person to stay healthy. Hence, I wish to pursue a career as a nutritionist. By becoming so, I want to educate people on proper meal planning and its role in keeping oneself free from diseases.
My mother says I was born weak. And, with less immunity, I was prone to falling sick often. During my early childhood, the doctors recommended my parents to provide me nutritious food. But, with the meagre income of my father, who works as a watchman, was not sufficient to buy nutritious meals for me. Therefore, they were worried for my health and survival!
Thankfully, I was enrolled in a school in Standard I, where Akshaya Patra had been serving meals. Since then I had been relishing healthy school meals on every single school day. I have a younger brother too who studies in Standard V in the same school. Both of us are Akshaya Patra beneficiaries. Even though we go to school empty stomach, we come back home with tummy-filled happiness as Akshaya Patra serves unlimited tasty meals. As a result of having the nutritious meals daily, I could recover sooner and feel much healthier now.
I thank Akshaya Patra from the bottom of my heart for providing me nutritious mid-day meals regularly.