Mahesh’s BIG wish to be on the Headlines!

Have you ever thought of making it so big in your life that the whole world knows you by name? That is a huge vision in life. This is the dream that Ch. Mahesh – a young boy of 7th standard is chasing.
Every child wants to grow up to either become an Engineer or a Doctor or become an expert in a profession. But not this teenager from Telangana. Mahesh is far sighted and very well organized for his future.
He wants to grow up to do an MBA and start his own business. He dreams that one day, he will start a free school for children like him and partner with NGOs like Akshaya Patra to provide free meals to students. This way, parents are not weighed down with the responsibility of providing healthy meals for their children and sending them to school. He also adds, “I want to do everything for free or subsidised prices. One day I want my name to be famous. My name should be there on every newspaper and news channel. I’ll be on the Headlines one day!”
When he was asked why he wanted to start a free school and partner with NGOs, he said, “Akshaya Patra sends us lunch every day. Along with the lunch, they also send snacks and fruits. It improves my concentration and helps me stay focussed in class.” Continuing, he says “I am able to focus on my studies for longer periods now when compared to earlier times. My brother and sister come to school because of this food. This food keeps us healthy too.”
Ch Mahesh is an Akshaya Patra beneficiary and a student of 7th grade at UPS Rajampet, Sangareddy district. With support from you, every child will get closer to fulfilling their dream. Your contribution will make a world of a difference to such children. Donate today.