Krishna Loves to Play With Numbers

Namaste. This is Krishna K. Parmar. I am an Akshaya Patra beneficiary from Gujarat. I study in Standard VI at Dhanot Primary School near Chhatral GIDC. It is a small town in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. I like my school very much. My friends at school say I have a unique fondness for Maths. And they are right! Playing with numbers is what I like the most.
From an early age, mathematics has fascinated me. And due to my love for the subject, I never scored below grade A in my school exams. At times, in fun hours I play the role of a maths teacher and help my friends to the best of my knowledge in this subject. For now, I just solve problems in my textbook but my teachers say the world of mathematics has much more to it and I too can make my mark in it one day; patience and dedication is what is needed! By being a mathematician, I would like to reduce any particular problem down to its simplest form.
My father works in a private company and mother is a housewife. I have two sisters – Roshni and Nikita (aged 15 and 8 years respectively) and one brother – Rudraksh (aged 6 months). For some time my younger sister had to stop going to school when she ran out of books, as my parents could not afford new ones for both of us. Khodabhai, my father says there was a time he and my mother had to starve too! However, they didn’t surrender to the situation and tried to get some or the other job for a livelihood. Finally, he got a job in a garment’s factory and things have been better thereafter. He is indeed my inspiration. Born in this humble family, I have learnt that for people like us, only dedication and commitment to work can drive our dreams to see the light of success.
I owe my thanks to Akshaya Patra, which serves mid-day meals at my school. The meals keep me energetic and helps me to concentrate more.