Kirti – The Dancing Diva

As we were watching the children play in the school yard, we came across this little girl. We met her and while speaking with her we were awestruck by the grace and poise with which she was standing and speaking with us. She told us that she is inspired by various dance shows and the graceful dance steps in different competitions showcased on TV. Kirti dreams of becoming a professional dancer indulging in contemporary dance. This tall, lanky, energetic 8th standard girl from GHS, Jyothipura, is working hard towards becoming a dancer. She also informed us that she goes to Hoskote, located 15kms away just to learn dance moves from the masters there. She showed us the new steps she had learned that week. We were simply mesmerized by the elegance with which she drew our attention to her expressions and dance steps while her friends encouraged her by clapping as loudly as they could to the rhythm of the songs.
She told us enthusiastically “I love songs with peppy tunes and would love to participate in competitions”. Her dad Krishnappa who works in construction believes in her dreams and encourages her. Even though she loves to dance, she doesn’t neglect her studies and likes to solve mathematical problems. She loves mathematics as she likes to solve puzzles and problems. It gives her a sense of satisfaction if she is able to solve a problem correctly. According to her, problem solving gives her better skills to solve every day concerns.
When we asked her about the food served by Akshaya Patra – with a sparkle in her eyes and giggling she said “I love the food provided by The Akshaya Patra Foundation. When I eat to my heart’s content, I am able to concentrate better on my studies and it also gives me strength to dance.” When prodded to tell us about her favourite food, she tell us without hesitation, “Rice and Sambar”. Smiling all the while she runs off with her friends to play a game of catch.
This energetic little girl impressed us with her candid and straightforward answers. We hope that her dream of becoming a professional dancer is fulfilled and she reaches the pinnacle of success.