Chand wants to be an able Police Officer

Chand was back home after an exhaustive day at his school Thane Mahanagara Palika Shikshanalaya. The march-past drill at school required him to stand for long hours in the scorching sunlight of the day. He felt proud of himself for handling the problems of managing the school crowd but, now, as he entered home, a sense of helplessness gripped him. His father was shouting at his mother and he was unable to do anything to protect her.
He sat down for doing homework, but couldn’t concentrate on it since his mind kept going back and forth as he was worried about his mother’s safety. After what seemed like an hour or so, the noise seemed to have dissipated. He quickly finished his assignment and went to his sobbing mother.
Chand wiped away his mother’s tears trying to cheer her up. With innocence and determination in his eyes, he affirmed to his mother that he was there with her and that she had nothing to worry about. His mother, who worked as domestic help, wiped her tears away and started talking to him about the atrocities against women. She looked into her son’s eyes and told, “You will have to not only protect me but other women who are suffering like me.” This is the time that Chand knew what his purpose in this lifetime was.
Today, after a year of the incident, he is clear and focussed – to become a Police Officer. He says, “There are thousands of women who need of support today. Some are beaten by husbands, some by sons and some by their siblings. I cannot do anything to protect women now. But, when I grow up, I can help them. Today, my mother is a victim, tomorrow someone else. I want to break this chain.”
Studies and fighting for the right cause are two important factors in Chand’s life.
Chand is aware that becoming a Police Officer is easier said than done. He has to pass many exams that include physical training as well. To build his stamina, he believes in starting young. The first thing that can help him build resistance is healthy food. The only source of nutritious meals is the school meals that provide him with strength and energy to stay active throughout the day. He says “school meals are not only healthy but tasty as well. I don’t want to miss school, because if I do so, I will miss out on my nutrition for that one day. And I cannot afford to do so.”
Wholesome school meals give him a direction in life and that is his strength.