A budding solider- Raghavendra

Serving the nation is so clear in the mind of this Standard IX boy Raghavendra from Government School, Kodigehalli, Bengaluru that he has already started walking towards his goal. His morning routine includes waking up at 6 a.m., doing exercises, karate, and other forms for self-defence. An Akshaya Patra beneficiary, Raghavendra says, “I am following this routine as a preparation to achieve my dream of joining the Indian Army and fighting for the country.” Apart from this, he also wishes to do get involved with humanitarian causes.
This 14-year old boy lives his life with utmost discipline, from waking up early in morning, being punctual and regular to school, and balancing extra-curricular activities with studies. He likes playing various kinds of sports and he is a part of his school’s district level volleyball team.
Raghavendra’s father is a farmer and also does animal breeding and his mother is a housewife. He is the single child and his parents always go the extra mile to take proper care of him and tries to provide all kind of support for him to attain his dream.
Akshaya Patra is proud to be in the service of such determined children. Children like Raghavendra is the real motivation for the Foundation to nourish more and more children across the country.