If Hashtags Could Feed

Akshaya Patra Foundation & Graffiti initiative on Social Media Day
Bengaluru – 30 June, 2015: If Hashtags Could Feed is a digital campaign (stylized as #ifhashtagscouldfeed) by Graffiti Collaborative in partnership with The Akshayapatra Foundation. This campaign is a digital only campaign, which is an extension of #Project750 by The Akshaya Patra Foundation.
On 30 June, Social Media Day is celebrated across the world. Since #ifhashtagscouldfeed is a digital campaign, we are launching it on this day to garner maximum traction. The campaign will run for six months. The aim of the campaign is to inform people about the cause that The Akshaya Patra Foundation is fighting for. Apart from this, it’s to make people aware that hashtags alone will not lead to action, people will! Our aim is to encourage people to actually make a difference and then to use social media to spread the word. This campaign will be a first of its kind fund raising initiative on social media.
If Hashtags Could Feed is aimed at making the general public realise that currently on social media, people simply use hashtags to express their concern or support for a cause. However, hashtags alone will not help resolve the issue. Only people’s action can help in resolving the issues. By doing this, we hope to sensitise people that donations are required for any cause to be resolved and by simply using hashtags, no real action is taken.
Here’s how we have conceptualised the thought behind this campaign. Hashtags, everyone uses them! What started out as a simple symbol has now become a universal symbol of personal expression. Today, people use hashtags for everything under the sun. Hashtags are used to highlight issues, social causes, environmental causes as well as a fun night out or a good meal. There are a number of causes that use hashtags, very few people realize that merely using or sharing hashtags is not enough. If a hashtag is not accompanied by action, there can never be a tangible result. While hashtags raise awareness, we must realise that awareness alone does not and cannot bring about action.
Please log on to: https://youtu.be/15doqNCqoVc for more details.