Press Coverages

A feature on the journey of Shri Mandhu Pandit Dasa, Akshaya Patra’s kitchens and anecdotes form the beneficiaries and the staff
Front page story in Tabla!–Singapore, featuring Shri Mandhu Pandit Dasa,Akshaya Patra’s kitchens and anecdotes from the beneficiaries and staff.
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) donated 12,585 steel plates and glasses to Akshaya Patra for serving mid-day meals to school children in Andhra Pradesh
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) donates steel plates and glasses to The Akshaya Patra Foundation for serving mid-day meals to school children in Andhra Pradesh.
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) donates steel plates, glasses for mid-day meals.
The Power of a Meal by Shri Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman, Akshaya Patra
Bangalore Mirror – Chords of Giving – A musical evening with Sona Mohapatra for Akshaya Patra
Bangalore Mirror – Chords of Giving – Sona Mohapatra’s interview
Cover Story of Akshaya Patra Foundation

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