President of ICAI discovers more about Akshaya Patra

CA. K Raghu, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for the year 2014-15, visited us in Bangalore with his family and friends recently and watched a presentation on The Akshaya Patra Foundation. He also invited Akshaya Patra to take part in a forthcoming three day international conference scheduled for the end of January.
Akshaya Patra has been a five time winner of the ICAI Gold Shield award for Excellence in Financial Reporting under Category XI not-for-profit sector. This has also granted the Foundation entry to the ICAI Hall of Fame, the only NGO to ever do so. We are glad for the opportunity to welcome Mr. Raghu with his family and friends.
CA. K Raghu was elected as president of the ICAI in February 2014. As an expert in information technology he has been viewed as a mentor to the next generation of chartered accountants. Read more about CA. K Raghu here.