Akshaya Patra wins National Awards for Innovations

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  • 8th January, 2015
  • 2 minutes read

The Akshaya Patra Foundation has been awarded by the Indian Urban Space Foundation as the Best Innovative Project for the Innovations in Services for Urban Poor. Ms. Selja Kumari, Union Minister for Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA), Government of India, presented the Awards at an awards ceremony in New Delhi.

To recognize the spirit of entrepreneurship in solving social challenges, the awards were organized on April 21, 2010 by India Urban Space Foundation in collaboration with Cisco Systems and supported by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the World Bank, the Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation as well as the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. Akshaya Patra was selected because of its Outstanding and Dedicated service to Primary Education and Preventive Healthcare provision.

Speaking on the event Sri. Chanchalapathi Das, Vice Chairman, The Akshaya Patra Foundation said, “On behalf of Akshaya Patra, I thank the Government’s initiative to recognize the work undertaken by organisations in Urban India. Many problems that are still unanswered here can be dealt better with private undertakings backed by government support. Platforms like this help to make that bond stronger and a combined effort will surely bring about a change in our society.”

The jury panel included Arun Maira, member, Planning Commission, GoI, Dr. Ramachandran, Secy, MoUD, GoI, Chaturvedi, Director MoHUPA, Roberto Zagha, Country Director, World Bank, Sheela Patel, Founding Director, SPARC, Madhu Kishwar, Founder, Manushi Sangathan, Tarun Das, President, Aspen Institute India, Jayant Sinha, MD, Omidyar Network India.

Nominations were invited from Government, private sector and social organisations. Innovations were sought in five urban themes – Primary Education and Preventive Health Care, Urban Housing, Urban Livelihoods, Water and Sanitation and Urban Mobility. A total of 166 nominations were received, of which 37 were shortlisted and the four finalists selected. The selection criterion was based on a number of parameters such as nature of innovation, sustainable implementation, value to the community, etc.

India Urban Space Foundation (IUSF) is a not-for-profit organization working on the core belief that spatial planning of land is central to shaping vibrant cities.

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