Planting trees on Earth Day 2017

On Earth Day, we at Akshaya Patra contributed our bit to preserve the planet for the next generation.
On April 22, 2017, Akshaya Patra staff in Ballari, Karnataka, observed World Earth Day 2017 by planting trees within the campus. They also took part in understanding the importance of energy conservation and recycling.
Today, environmental degradation has become a global issue and each one of us is responsible for protecting our only home planet Earth. While we continue to take measures to protect the environment on a daily basis, we are continuously working towards conserving water and energy. Here are some of the steps we have taken to protect our environment:
Biogas plants at kitchens: They convert organic waste into energy thereby reducing cost and dependency on LPG. The biogas plants also help in eco-friendly handling of food wastages of approximately 20 metric tonne every month.
Wastewater management: The wastewater generated in our kitchens is recycled and this recycled water is reused for gardening.
Read our blog on “Water Conservation at Akshaya Patra.”