IAS officer trainees from LBSNAA visit our kitchen

We had the pleasure of hosting IAS officer trainees from the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie, at our Vasanthapura kitchen in Bengaluru on February 09, 2017. These officers belonged to the IAS Phase-I Professional Course of the 2016 batch and visited us as part of their Winter Study Tour-cum-Bharat Darshan. As part of the Phase-I training programme, these officers are made familiar with good governance initiatives in different states. They chose to visit the Foundation because of our extensive experience in working in rural communities and understood its workings.
The trainees were quite impressed with the Foundation and had the following to say about their experience visiting our kitchen – “Akshaya Patra is doing a commendable job of providing wholesome, nutritious food to children, which ensures that hunger does not become an obstacle in getting access to education. Kudos!”