Akshaya Patra – Disaster Relief Feeding

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Through our disaster relief feeding efforts, we endeavour to: Natural disasters, disease outbreaks and other such adversities are always accompanied by a food security crisis, making food assistance a vital component of the subsequent humanitarian efforts. Mindful of this critical role of food assistance during natural disasters, we have always endeavoured to utilise our kitchen infrastructure to undertake emergency food assistance and ensure that people have access to food and nutrition.

Our well-established network of kitchens enables us to reach over 2 million children across 14 states and two union territories every school day. During natural disasters the same system can pivot from Unlimited Food for Education to Food for Relief as required. Over the years, we have enhanced our execution capabilities for humanitarian efforts during disasters through need-based approaches. These include provision of freshly cooked food, setting up a temporary kitchen and the distribution of essential groceries.

Serving the people of Kerala affected by floods in 2018

Preparing food for survivors of Gujarat floods in 2017

Uttarkhand flood
relief in 2021

Preparing food for survivors of Gujarat floods in 2017


  • Large-scale feeding operations as disaster response
  • Dedicated staff trained to operate during disaster situations
  • Enthusiastic volunteer base and well-wishers
  • Skills and resources to expeditiously set up feeding infrastructure
  • Pan-India kitchen infrastructure
  • Strategic collaborations with key stakeholders
  • Donor support for relief feeding operations and activities
  • Past experience, constant learning and regular improvisation
  • Good understanding of the local geography, preferences and cultures
  • Mobile kitchen (Kitchens on Wheels)


Active contribution to food and nutrition security of the vulnerable populations during natural disasters and disease outbreaks

Aid to wider demography at the pan-India level through a well-established network

Efficient management and utilisation of resources from public and private sectors

At Akshaya Patra, we are conscious of our social responsibility. Since inception, we have used our infrastructure to undertake food assistance across the country—right from Uttar Pradesh to Tamil Nadu and Gujarat to Tripura. When needed, we have also set up temporary kitchens and opted for distribution of dry ration to ensure that people have enough food to eat in these difficult times. In all these humanitarian relief endeavours, we have received the continued support of the Government and our donors, aptly demonstrating how the power of collective social responsibility turned into collaborative action can help in social good at a scale.

How you can contribute

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You are donating ₹ 675 For Anganwadi Kit Programme

(Your donation will help in providing safety and sanitisation products to teachers and students and for sanitisation of school premises such as masks, face shields, gloves, shoe covers, personal water bottles, soap dispensers, foot operated sanitation stations, sanitisers, and infra red thermometers).

Total Donation Amount : ₹ 675
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